Frequently Asked Questions
How to Choose a Strong Password?
Do not choose a password that is easy for others to guess (e.g. do not use names or dates).
Do use numbers, punctuation, upper and lower case letters, and special characters (e.g. @ or %).
Do use acronyms or parts of words, perhaps from common phrases (e.g. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” could be “Aaadktda”).
Do change your password often and use a different password for each site with which you have an account.
How to Protect Your Password?
Do not share your passwords with anyone.
Do not write your passwords down where they can be found by others.
Do I need an EFIN or PTIN to use MyTAXPrepOffice?
Our software does require an EFIN to e-file a return. You may prepare paper returns while you wait to receive your EFIN. All paid preparers who e-file returns are required by the IRS to have a PTIN. Information on how to receive your EFIN or PTIN can be obtained here.
How can I order a demo of your software?
Since MyTAXPrepOffice is online software, you can demo the program right from our website! If you would like to try our software, please visit our Demo page. If you would like someone to walk you through the software with no obligation, you may call 307.414.1211 or click here to contact us.
Okay, I really like the MyTAXPrepOffice program. How do I buy?
There are a few ways you can purchase our software. If you have not already chosen a package, please click here to choose a package that’s right for your business. We will also customize packages if our standard plans do not meet your business needs. To customize, please call 307.414.1211 to speak to an account executive. If you know the package you wish to purchase, you can click here to check out and become an official MyTAXPrepOffice customer!
I didn’t receive my registration email. What should I do?
Email providers may automatically identify our email as SPAM. If your registration email is not in your SPAM folder, please contact customer support so that they can send you another email.
What if I don’t have access to the internet but need to prepare returns?
Our software includes an Offline Mode feature. When you enable the Offline Mode, it ensures that you can continue working within the application as if you were still connected to the internet. Once your internet access returns, your work will automatically sync to all of your logged-in devices. Click here to see how to enable offline mode.
How do I convert returns from my previous software?
MyTAXPrepOffice makes converting from your previous software easy. We have a Conversion Wizard located on the dashboard of the software that makes converting your files effortless.
How do I complete my ERO Enrollment Application?
Click on your desired Financial Partner from the Financial Products widget on your dashboard to complete your ERO Enrollment Application. Visit our Integrated Bank Products page to learn more about our financial partners.
Do I have to upload my EFIN Acceptance Letter and how do I do it?
The EFIN Verification process is required to e-file returns in the MyTAXPrepOffice software. It’s an important first step in preventing tax-related identity theft and EFIN fraud. If you are unable to answer the verification questions given when setting up your firm, you will need to upload your EFIN letter for verification. Please click here to follow the steps to upload your EFIN Letter.
What are your security measures to make sure my clients’ data is safe?
We take client data as seriously as you do. We have a well-trained team of specialists that deal with the security of your data and use state of the art methods to prevent any unauthorized access. We implement all recommendations from the IRS and the payment card industry. Our security is regularly tested and verified by qualified auditing companies.